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students hard at work
a particularly fabulous pattern relief
'piecy-piecy' coil pot made out of scrap material--she designed the handle and lid herself
morning assembly
camel spiders--the one on the right was found crawling up Mark's leg. They aren't actually 'spiders' at all, but something in between a scorpion and a spider.
Damba drummers
Damba Festival
Damba is the unofficial 'smock' festival--all the men wear their smocks, if they have one--it's not their everyday clothing. Everyone gathers outside the chief's palace in a big circle, and people are beckoned by drumming men to come forward and dance. If the crowd likes how you dance, they will place small coins in your hand (which you then give back to the chief).
Damba spectators
Damba dancers
the women don't move as much as the men---they mostly just sway a bit, and sit back down
Damba spectators who commented after Mark and I danced (twice) that "the woman dances better than the man." Ha!
see brief video
Mark, myself, Abdulai (his student), and Abdulai's younger brothers
beautiful butterfly crayon resist
Savelugu School for the Deaf dance group
dance group
hard at work
complementary color project
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