Thursday, November 11, 2010

Invite to Ghana!

On Monday, my Peace Corps Invitation arrived in the mail! I will be leaving for Ghana on June 6, 2011, and I will be teaching Visual Art at a school for the deaf for the next 27 months. This has been a long process thus far, and I still have approximately 200 days until Staging. I began my application on May 7, 2010, and I was nominated on June 1st, the same day as my interview. I have been medically, dentally, and legally cleared for months now, although I can't find a record of the exact dates. I have been taking American Sign Language classes since September in preparation for teaching at a school for the deaf. I've been told that students use something very similar to ASL in Ghana. This blog will be a record of my Peace Corps experience. Reading other volunteers' blogs has been fascinating for me as an applicant, and I hope to contribute a new chapter to the Peace Corps story and to my own personal story, starting in the 50th year of the Peace Corps in Ghana. I think my obsessively organized mind could be packed by next week, but I will try to pace myself in the coming months.