Tuesday, July 24, 2012

HIV Poster Contest finishes, more murals, insects, etc.

The poster contest has now concluded, and I think it was a big success.  It gave me a great excuse to increase my sign language vocabulary as well as discuss HIV with my students informally and formally, for an entire school term.  My students were thrilled to participate, and they really looked forward to every session in my classroom, from the initial sketches to the final painting.  I think they were quite proud of the results, although 'proud' is not the word they would use, since 'pride' is looked down upon in this culture.  But there is no better word to describe how I feel about my students---I'm proud of them!  They did a great job.  

finished mural in P5 classroom

the fruits of Ghana

It was sort of comical trying to get my students to spell AIDS---this photo was after multiple tries.




I asked the teachers to do the voting for the poster contest

I'm about to announce the winners

The prizes 
(I swear I bought them myself, with my own money. The PC grant had no part in it.  But, really, what is a contest with no prizes??)

First place winner, Anass.

Second place winner, Latifa Mohammed.

Tied for third place, Kwabene and Sheeda.  

During the awards ceremony







I taught P6 how to make paper airplanes, but they couldn't organize themselves enough for a good photo.  They get too excited.

I made a mural with some new PC trainees I hosted, Jaclin and Ethan. They will teach art at hearing senior high schools in Ghana.  Thanks for all the help!

finished mural!

My students brought me a bunch of insects one day so I could photograph them.  

This moth was enormous.

Gafaru was so intense about copying my Superman poster.

Nothing is cuter than Jessie in the 'party hat' I'd made.

fruits and vegetables of Ghana!