Monday, February 21, 2011

Packing List

It's never too early for a packing list, right?

Well, here it is—a very (very) detailed list of items I'm bringing to Ghana. Some of these things are specific to the job that I’m doing in Ghana (art teacher), and some of them are for my aspirations to do some serious traveling, hiking, and mountain climbing (Kilimanjaro!!) while in Africa. The clothes section is a little blurry because I'm perpetually adding and eliminating items. There is a separate section for things that I will be shipping because they don’t fit into my two bags. I have weighed this list, and it all fits under the 80 lb limit, except for the extra items to be shipped and those in my carry-on backpack.

1 rolling duffel bag

1 large backpacking bag

1 day pack


4 t-shirts

4 tank tops

1 athletic tank top

half slip and full slip

3 pairs athletic socks

1 button-down athletic shirt

bathing suit

25+ pairs underwear

long athletic shorts

short athletic shorts (for at home)

1 fleece

1 capri pant

1 lightweight cotton pant

1 hiking pant

1 pair skinny jeans (are there hipsters in Ghana?)

1 athletic short sleeve shirt

2 mid-length skirts

4 smartwool socks (for hiking)


lots of bras


1 nice dress

kurta (you know, the Indian tunic)

5 blouses

2 sports bras

rain jacket

1 base layer long sleeve

2 long sleeve performance shirts (for out in the sun)

2 sunhats

*note—there is some give and take with the clothes; some things will get discarded at the last minute and other things will get stuffed in.

Shoes (I’d rather have a few too many than not enough)

running shoes


Chacos sandal

Chacos flip-flop

dress shoe

dressy sandal

casual sneaker

hiking boots

Superfeet inserts


1 set of sheets

Ziploc bags

camp towel

wash cloth

knife (?)



various camera memory cards

mini calculator


Kindle w/case

3 pairs earphones

shortwave radio (Kaito)


ipod charger

Macbook laptop

external hd

surge protector

laptop sleeve

waterproof sack for laptop

AAA batteries

computer lock

camera charger

AA batteries

travel alarm clock


bar soap



bar shampoo

lens cleaner

face sunscreen

lip balm

exfoliating glove


small sunscreen


nail clippers

small mirror

80 tampons

hand wipes


4 notebooks


world atlas (small)

tiny address book

4 packs blank index cards

Swiss Army knife

blank CDs

empty folders for paperwork

small sewing kit

packing tape, duct tape, blue tape, scotch tape

safety pins, needles

mini binoculars

world map poster

pack of normal cards

Uno cards, SET cards

2 headlamps

Ghana Bradt book

West Africa Lonely Planet

small spray bottle

monthly planner

2 knee braces (for running)

pack cover

money belt

2 water bottles

Camelback hydration (hiking)

bubbles (for kids)

L.A./Hollywood t-shirts for host family

super glue

eyeglass repair kit

hiking poles

luggage lock

earplugs (enough to share!)

extra pair of glasses

spork (thanks Peter)

small collection of spices (thanks Peter)



photo album of friends and family

chain and lock (?)

bike helmet (?)



movies/tv shows on computer

Art Supplies


erasers, highlighters, markers, pens, sharpies, pencils, microns

exacto blades

sketch pad, drawing pad

Shipping to Ghana (for hiking Kilimanjaro, etc.)

tent (maybe)

sleeping bag/ liner

down jacket


warm hat

small skillet (?)

lots of books (for various academic/career pursuits)


  1. i was curious if i should bring a rolling bag or not...right now i have a big backpacking bag and wasnt sure if/what other bag i should bring.
    The kindle is a good idea...i dont have one now but was thinking about getting one. im thinking now maybe it would be a good idea. im curious about the earplugs?
    thanks for the list...its similar to just an eccentric packer and like to be prepared :-)

  2. It's true that the duffel bag won't be doing a lot of 'rolling' while I'm in Africa, but I think it makes sense for the airports; otherwise I will be carrying 80 lbs of luggage.

    I'm a supporter of the Kindle for PC because regardless of how many copies of "Eat Pray Love" and "The DaVinci Code" are available in the PC office, I want something more substantive to read during the next 27 months. (snarkiness unintended)

    Earplugs are addictive; once you start them, you can't stop. And I've heard that there are lots of noises in villages at very early hours.

  3. Glad I'm not the only one thinking about a packing list. I keep talking myself out of putting one together since I'm not leaving until May but if I do it then maybe I'll quit thinking about it.

    How big is your rolling duffel? I have a large pack as well and according to manufacturer's dimensions I'm only left with 34 inches or so for the duffel in order to be with in the Peace Corps 107 linear inch total. Which is not that big.

  4. The duffel is 22x14x9 according to the specs I just found online. I remember doing a bit of measuring and thinking that I was under the 107 inch figure.
